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3 Big Reasons You Shouldn’t Put Off Getting a Filling

May 1, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — pinnacledental @ 3:23 pm
Woman with toothache wonders if she can put off getting a filling

While fillings are one of the simplest, least-invasive dental treatments out there, no one wants to hear that they need one. Especially if the cavity doesn’t even hurt! So why should you spend time and money treating a cavity that’s not bothering you? The truth is, that little cavity can lead to some pretty big problems if left untreated, like intense pain, dental infections, and even tooth loss! Read on as we break down the three most important reasons why you shouldn’t put off getting a filling.

Little Cavities Lead to Big Problems

When you get a papercut or a bruise, you can expect it to heal. However, unlike the rest of your body, your teeth can’t repair themselves. If you leave tooth decay untreated, it will inevitably get worse over time. The plaque and bacteria that caused the cavity will continue to burn through the enamel and eat away at the structure of the tooth. Eventually, a simple filling won’t be enough to fix your tooth and you’ll need a crown or root canal therapy. In some cases, the decay may become so bad that the tooth is beyond saving and needs to be extracted. Getting a filling as soon as it’s recommended could make all the difference in whether you get to keep that tooth in the long run!

Fillings Will Save You Money In the Long-Run

Some people avoid getting the dental treatments they need because they think it will save them money. However, this line of thinking will cost far more in the long run more often than not. As we mentioned above, leaving a cavity untreated will allow it to grow. The longer you wait, the larger the filling you’ll need. Not to mention that you may need to pay for a more expensive treatment such as a custom-made crown, root canal therapy, or dental infection antibiotics. If the tooth needs to be taken out, not only will you need to pay for the extraction, but you’ll need to pay for a replacement like a dental implant or bridge to prevent the complications of tooth loss. A little filling now can save you a tremendous amount of money later!

Treat Your Cavity Now to Prevent Pain Later

If you don’t address a cavity with a filling right away, you could go on to experience a lot of discomfort. Tooth decay eats away at the protective shell of enamel on your teeth, and eventually, it can reach the inner layers. This includes the nerve and the pulp, which are very sensitive. Some of the most common symptoms of an untreated cavity are tooth sensitivity, pain when biting down, long-lasting and worsening toothaches, inflamed or swollen gums, and discoloration of the tooth. In short, treating a cavity early with a filling will do a lot more than just save you money and prevent serious oral health issues. This little treatment can help protect your quality of life and ensure that your smile stays happy and healthy.

Thankfully, modern tooth-colored fillings are easier to get, more comfortable, and more seamless than ever before. Most dental insurances over a lot of coverage for fillings, and they’re an inexpensive treatment for uninsured patients. If you have a cavity that needs treating, don’t risk putting it off. Talk to your dentist today about getting a tooth-colored filling!

About the Practice

Pinnacle Dental has been providing gentle and effective dental care for the smiles of Braintree since 1988. We truly believe that you deserve a happy, healthy, and cavity-free smile, which is why we offer all the latest preventive services, like fluoride treatments and deep cleanings. While we always go above and beyond to help you keep tooth decay at bay, we also offer durable, biocompatible tooth-colored fillings to help stop small problems before they become larger issues. To get your cavity treated, we can be contacted online or at (781) 843-7905.

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